M35 Waffen-SS Double Decal Camouflage / Overpaint Helmet
This ET64 features a heat lot number 4302 and is a double decal. It shows as having been a reissue piece at one time (liner, strap being M40 type), but the outer layer of paint is a chalky dark grey, less often seen as a reissue finish. In my view it is vehicle paint, and would therefore fit into the early stages of the war prior to when vehicles were produced in ordinance tan; when they rolled off the assembly line in grey. That color of paint is what this helmet seems to have on it, in which case it matches other examples of helmets hastily camo’d with vehicle paint. In later stages of the war, they used vehicle paint, but the base color had become ordinance tan. This helmet shows very heavy use. The paint is scarred and scuffed, worn and missing in some spots. The decals are clearly evident under the paint. A very hard-used helmet for the combat collector. COA accompanies.