Heavy Service-Worn SS-Sturmmann Tunic, Pz Jäger
This is the typical Heer M35 cut, repurposed for use by the SS via shortening of the hem and repositioning the lower pockets. The green badgecloth collar has a set of extremely worn SS runic and Sturmmann rank tabs, showing abrasions and tattering. The upper left sleeve has a field repair, and a worn RZM pattern sleeve eagle adorns the sleeve above the rank chevron. There are minor repairs and adjustments throughout the piece, signifying a lot of service use. The boards are pink piped, and have semi-oxidized tresse at the base, signifying “unterführer-Anwärter” — NCO candidate. One has a newer added button. At the cuff area of the left sleeve is the unmistakable strip of un-worn wool nap, indicating likely presence of a cufftitle for much of the service life of the tunic. It doesn’t appear to have been a recent removal, but still shows clearly enough. A great combat piece, COA accompanies.
Availability: 1 in stock
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