Incredible, Early SS-VT Trumpet Banner Delich Letter
This fine and extremely rare example was discovered by Kris Anderson of Oakleaf Militaria nearly a decade ago, and sent to David Delich for evaluation / authentication; the correspondence between the 2 gentlemen is enclosed. The banner itself is a perfect example condition- wise, of an earlier or variant pattern SS trumpet banner. As described in Mr. Delich’s letter, the banner is very nicely produced by hand, sewn over a template of the same type that were used for ss insignia embroidery in general. The workmanship is also very similar to other banners and other embroidery examples of the early to mid 1930s. The materials black-light perfectly, and overall the banner is in nearly perfect condition. The fact that it had the number one off to the side is completely reminiscent of the “SS Bereitschaft 1” and later SS-1 “Deutschland” regiment emblem worn on the collar, and on other flags and insignia. This indicates the banner was used by the early SS-VT formations and was updated Likely towards 1940, when the numeric designations were removed from the collar patches as well. So forensically and historically, this banner lines up nicely with what was happening in the period in terms of regimental design evolution. And with the unusual nature of the skull, it also provides another variety of design and handiwork for the advanced collection. The Dave Delich impromater on items like this promotes an ironclad chain of authenticity and provenance. The actual COA mentioned in the correspondence evidently was never was issued– luckily the email survived. COA accompanies.
Availability: 1 in stock