HOLD (M.B.)Stunning Waffen-SS Pionier NCO Tunic
This tunic is a stunning example of a senior NCO dress for a decorated SS-Hauptscharführer of Pionier (engineers). The Insignia are a virtual study of fine quality machine-applied Waffen-SS flatwire senior NCO collar tabs, a beautiful pair of black piped senior NCO shoulder boards, along with a flat wire sleeve eagle, hand applied. In this configuration this tunic would have likely been worn for walking out or ‘home on leave’ occasions. The tunic is basically officer cut, with a droop tail collar that has been decorated with NCO tresse, creating an elegant appearance. A cuff title had been on this uniform and the remnant threads are visible inside and out. A fine tunic, showing light service wear, for the advanced SS collection. COA accompanies.
Send Enquiry for HOLD (M.B.)Stunning Waffen-SS Pionier NCO Tunic
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