SKU: UaMKraye, , ,

Historic Martha “Maggie” Raye Grouping


I was amazed when a collector sent me this historic tunic and magazine belonging to the famous WWII and Vietnam Nurse, Martha Raye. Martha was famous for her interactions with US Army Special Forces during the early Vietnam days, wherein she performed Army Nurse duties as a Lieutenant Colonel, working with 5th Special Forces Group. Her contributions at that time also included interacting with John Wayne and others during the creation and filming of “The Green Berets” (starring John Wayne). This jacket is common to the later Vietnam War period, when subdued unit patches began being used. The patches include the Special Forces shoulder on her right sleeve, denoting Combat service; the left sleeve bearing her (current at that time) unit of assignment, the 25th Infantry Division out of Hawaii. Her uniform is decorated with the Army Nurse Corp branch insignia and Lieutenant Colonel rank. There is also an ARVN (South Vietnamese) Lieutenant Colonel’s rank insignia on the front flap, plus a Vietnam Service Ribbon on the left breast. Her surname “Raye” and “US Army” adorn the pocket tops. Accompanying her jacket is an outstanding and rare publication by 5th Special Forces Group, with a picture of Raye in a feature article (wearing tiger stripes). The magazine is full of historic and interesting photos and articles on the 5th Group activities in country, and has the 1968 mailing label from 5th Group HQ in Vietnam, to Martha Raye, at her Los Angeles address. A superb piece of Green Beret and Army history, belonging to a US icon of the time. A chance to own a piece of it that is not in a museum (yet).  COA accompanies.

Availability: 1 in stock

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